Legal notice

Legal information:

Owner status: Company
Company Name: Revtech
Legal form: SAS
Address: PA de Champgrand, 50 allée des Abricotiers, 26270 Loriol sur Drôme - France
Phone: +33 475 601 633
With a capital of: 260 000 €
Company Registration Number (French SIRET): 41058718200032
Trade and Company Register: Romans under number 410587182
VAT number: FR74410587182
Email address:
The creator of the website is: Amazili Communication
The publication manager is: Lydia Yahiaoui
Contact the publication manager:
The webmaster is: Revtech
Contact the webmaster: - +33 475 601 633
The website host is: Revtech
Photos credit: Claude Fougeirol